Before and After

Before and After

OH! FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE! If you’re going to share a before and after photo to try to convince people to transition to regenerative agriculture, can you take the time to do it right? The image here is obviously fake, yes, but some examples aren’t much better. So, how do you do it right? There are…

America The Beautiful

America, the Beautiful?

“Each and every American owns our public lands. They provide so much: wildlife habitat, clean water and energy, food and timber, solace and recreation, and more. Balancing these values is the job of the Bureau of Land Management, for both current and future generations.” – Tracy-Stone Manning, Bureau of Land Management The Bureau of Land…

best of both worlds

Best of Both Worlds

Farming in the forest, agroforestry, can take many forms, from the local friend who’s growing truffles on his wooded suburban acreage to friends in the mountains who share food with neighbors and sell in local popup markets. The existing forest environment already provides years of mulch, compost, and topsoil with the added benefit of absorption…

Leave a Snag or Two

Leave a Snag or Two

My daughter pointed out the Woodpecker on the remains of a burned tree after a Tuolumne County fire near our old cabin. A bright spot in a primarily black landscape. Snag is not a pretty word but, for some fire survivors, it’s home sweet home. There are many reasons to leave a snag (or a…