AI- It’s a “No Brainer”

My friend is a teacher in an elementary school. One of her young students was grateful for the extra help she gave him on a project. He gave her a Thank You note. It started, Dear [insert name here], Thank you so much for [insert action here]. He had the right idea but missed a few steps.
Artificial Intelligence is getting rave reviews for providing routine code snippets and many other basic tasks. It frees up employees to do the more important, innovative work, features that help you win and keep customers.
My first venture was to look up myself in my role as a volunteer with the Cleantech Open, the world’s largest accelerator for clean technology startups. What a beautiful profile I got! I’m one of the leading environmental activist in the country and the Executive Director of the Cleantech Open since 2016 with a degree in Environmental Studies from Stanford. WOW! None of that is true. No one gets a degree from Stanford without at least registering for a class there. It got some things right and gave me credit where credit was actually due. The fictitious parts made me leery.
A business connection asked me how things were going. I told him that I was busy writing articles for my website because my friendly webmaster said it would make more people find me. His immediate reaction was, “Joy, Joy, Joy – Why in the world would you waste your time writing articles when AI can do it for you?” I replied, “I’m not ready to stop using my brain or to keep my years of experience from clients.”
You might have noticed that it seems as if critical thinking is becoming a lost skill. Artificial Intelligence will, in my rarely humble opinion, speed up the demise of critical thinking. The brains your employees bring to work for you are the value you pay for. Their “what ifs” and “whys” make you more profitable and efficient. Ai can be useful but beware of the limitations. Apply a dose of critical thinking to the useful tool.